
What to wear to a family photoshoot?

What should you wear to a family photoshoot?

Choosing what to wear to a family photoshoot will either fill you with dread, or spark you inner Gok Wan and you’ll be all over it like a total fashionista! If you’re the former, don’t panic, I’m here to help! Here are a few top tips to help you make your choices!

No 1 – Be comfortable and be YOU!

If you’re a jeans & jumper type of gal/guy, wear jeans and a jumper! Don’t squeeze yourself into a dress because you feel you should! You need to be comfortable and most importantly, you need to feel at your best!

If someone is happy in jeans, let them wear jeans. If your daughter is crazy about skirts, don’t force her to wear something different because you’ll just end up with a grumpy child who will glare at my camera!! It’s really important that everyong feels happy & comfortable! If it makes your life easier & you want to remember their little foibles…let them bring that spiderman outfit and promise some photos with it! Same goes for dads…if they want to bring their poncho & cowboys hat…PLEASE let them, I can’t even tell you how much I love caputuring these things!

I have 3 daughters….I know how children are….make sure they feel awesome too. If that means using the old ‘I’m giving you choices but really I’m bending your mind to my way of thinking’ trick, then go for it! Pick out 2 outfits that will work, and let them mix and match. As long as they’re reasonably coordinated, we’re good! Failing that…use bribery!

No 2 – Think colour & coordination

Coordinating your outfits shows that you are a group, a family, and that you belong together! It also looks great! This doesn’t mean that everyone should wear matching shirts & ties, instead, think about the style of the clothes. Do you want to look relaxed, or do you want to look smart & sharp!?

Choose a colour palette that is complimentary – pick similar tones and colours – for example, denims, white and a splash of blue. Again, think about where in your home you might put your photographs!  If your decor is simple and monotone, you may want to choose white clothing with a pop of colour. If your home is bright and bold, then perhaps think about wearing clothing that will compliment this. These prints will be on your walls for years to come (hopefully!) so keep this in mind!

Think about the season and the colours of nature! In this photograph, all the boys are wearing different coloured jackets, but they all match the autumnal backdrop – this is perfect!

If it’s winter and cold, try to coordinate jackets if you can, or layer with coordinated hats and scarfs! If that’s not possible, we can ditch the jackets for 2 minutes while we get the shot.

3…What should you avoid?!

There a few things that don’t work well in photos and would advise avoiding!

Avoid black – it can make you look pale and is just a bit blah in photos!
Avoid tops with large logos or crazy prints on them, as they will draw the eye to the top, rather than the photo.
Avoid vivid ‘unnatural’ bright colours that will draw the eye to the colour, rather than the beautiful subjects.
Try to stay away from bold, eye-catching patterns. Instead, keep it simple.
Finally, I know black is a very popular colour, but…. it can be a little dull!

Hopefully these tips & tricks might help you if you’re in a fankle! If you need any help or advice, just pick up the phone!

Examples of perfect styling…

Below are some examples of excellent wardrobe choices for a photoshoot. You don’t need to spend money (if you don’t want to!) on outfits for everyone – just find something that everyone has  in one colour – maybe everyone has to wear a base of demin and something blue, or something mustard! You get the jist!

How to choose your wedding photographer

What should you look for in a wedding photographer?

There are lots of things to consider when you choose your wedding photographer, and since I sometimes have to turn down wedding work because I’m already booked, I thought this handy guide might be useful!

You should put as much time and thought into your photographer choice as you do your flowers, dresses and music, because, at the end of the day, when the hangovers have kicked in and the flowers are wilting, the only tangible part left of your amazing day will be the photos! So make sure they fill your cup of joy!

This list is my top 5 things to look for in your photographer, and there’s a very important ‘don’t’ in at the end for good measure!

1) Make sure their work excites you!

When you’re checking out photographers, visit their website and social channels for a good nosey! If you don’t get a wee buzz of excitement in your belly, they’re maybe not for you!

Do a deep-dive into their work, don’t base your decision on 1 or 2 photos from a wedding on Instagram! Maybe they have more on their website from that one wedding, go full blown detective and see if they’ve really told a story with what they’ve captured, rather than one or 2 wow shots!

Do the moments they manage to capture really make you go ‘oooooooh’ with lovehearts coming out of your eyes?! Does their editing style ‘talk’ to you?! Do you want to keep staring at those photos even though it’s a random couple and you know that’s a little creepy?! If the answers above are YES, then talk to that photographer

This leads very swiftly onto my next little nugget of advice….

2) You should ‘click’ with your wedding photographer!

Your photographer will be like a wedding guest, but one that stalks you and is there constantly! You MUST get on with them! If you don’t click, it’s gonna be a little awkward throughout your day! You don’t need to be BFF’s by the end of the day, but you should like them enough to have them around as a big part of your day! If you can, organise a coffee before you sign on the dotted line, or a video/phone call if that’s not possible! This isn’t essential, but if you’re unsure, ask to meet them, if they’re like me, they’ll be delighted to do so!

A good photographer will be stealthlike when need be, but aside from the ceremony, they will be actively capturing you, and not like a wildlife photographer who’s hiding in the bushes! They should make you feel at ease and comfortable, because let’s face it, no one really enjoys having their photo taken! Equally as important, you want to know that they are going to be a welcome guest amongst your family & friends.

3) There should be no surprises!

Your photographer should be open & honest about their prices from the get-go. You should know exactly what you’re getting, how much time they will be there for, and what products (if any) are included in their costs. If you want an album and it’s not included, ask them for difinitive costs before you book.

Also make sure you know the payment terms and how long you will be expected to wait for your images. I have heard many a horror story about people waiting months for their images, so make sure they manage your expectations!

4) Communication is key!

Your photographer’s communication and customer service should be gold standard! You should feel like your wedding is really important to them, regardless of it’s size! If you have to chase them at any point in the beginning, it might be a sign of things to come, and with all the stress of organising a wedding, this is the last thing you’ll need!

You may have booked them over a year in advance, but there should be clear communication about when they will be in touch to meet up with you to discuss the day. This should happen a 6-8 weeks before the big day, when the finer details have been ironed out. Your photographer should know exactly what is happening on the day, so they can always be in the right place at the right time!

No photographer should turn up on your wedding day and wing it, they will want to know exactly what’s happening, when they can take you away for couples shots and what you really want from your wedding photos (see point 5 below!)

5) They should really listen to you.

Your photographer should ask questions, lots of questions! Usually they will send out some sort of questionnaire to get a jist of anything, or anyone, you want photographed. Your wedding day is so busy, you won’t have the time, or the headspace to remind your photographer about a speciific shot, so make sure everything you want can be covered! Equally, you might not think to have your dress photographed, or your fabulous shoes, but this is something that your photographer should automatically capture!

If the cake is really important to you, or you have a special item that you’d like captured, let your photographer know, they will have a list that they’ll work through on the day! You might forget about it in all the excitement, but your photographer shouldn’t!

In that first meeting, make sure you feel like you’re being listened to – it’s YOUR big day, and what’s important to you matters!

Finally….you will have a budget in mind, everybody does, but please don’t pick someone based on cost alone. Consider all the points above, and choose your photographer wisely! Happy Wedding Organising!

Getting married? I'd love to hear from you!

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Mother’s Day – Get in the frame!

When was the last time you were in the frame with your children?!

If you’re anything like me, the answer is probably ‘I can’t remember’! As mums, we’re always making sure we capture our children growing, and it’s so easy these days with the camera’s on phones. But if we want in on the action, we need to do a selfie (and end up looking like a potato!) or we rely on someone else to do it, which usually means asking, rather than it just happening!

Why is it SO important?

The answer is simple. It’s important to our children to have tangible memories that will literally never fade. Their childhoods are so shortlived, and although they will have memories, they will be few and far between as new ones are made growing up. I look back at the small amount of photos I have of my childhood, and they spark memories, which in turn sparks joy! But do I have any WITH my mum?! Not enough, and that’s sad.

My mum sadly, and very suddenly, passed away 17 years ago when I was pregnant with my 1st daughter, and there are simply not enough photographs left behind. I want to be able to sit for hours and pour through photos of her so I can remember her. I want to be taken back to a time when she was here so I can ‘feel’ her again, but there’s not enough. And photos are incredibly powerful beasts. They are windows to the past, that may not seem important while we’re here, but when someone is gone, they are everything.

I know, I know…..I HATE having my photo taken too. I don’t have a good side, my figure isn’t ‘perfect’ and I often look like a man….but my children see NONE of that! What they’ll see when I’m long gone is just their mum. Someone who they loved, who made them feel safe, probably lost her s**t too much, and hopefully made them laugh! And one day, it will be all they have left and they’ll whisper a silent ‘thank you’ to heaven for all the times I forced them into a photograph.

So although you may hate having your photo taken, your children literally don’t care!! To have beautiful memories, for them , is priceless, and the best gift you could ever give them!

It’s never too late to start capturing memories with your children! Whether you’re a mum, a dad, granny, grandpa, aunty, great granny (you get the jist!), start capturing those connections now! Bring the whole family and give your children (and your walls!) the most precious gift there is!

20% off all digitals, packages and framed wall art for sessions booked for March & April*

* Sessions MUST be booked for a date in March or April and discount only applies to products (min spend £125)

Jenna & Jamie’s Radisson Red Wedding

Jenna & Jamie’s Wedding was one of the most joyous weddings I’ve ever witnessed! After 4 date changes and various venue changes (plus 2 babies!), it finally happened at The Radisson RED in Glasgow. Towering over the River Clyde in the Finnieston area of Glasgow, the Radisson has the most spectacular views of some of Glasgow’s most icons buildings; The Finnieston Cran, Armadillo & The SSE Hydro to name a few! The Red Sky Bar dominates the top floor of the hotel with floor to ceiling windows and an outdoor terrace – perfect for photos!

Dress by Enzoani – Veil by Blossom & Bluebird – Hair by Colette’s Hair & Make-up – Make-up by Eye.Me.Up – Flowers by Aurora Scotland – Shoes by Charlotte Mills Shoes & Marc Darcy – Balloons by MilesMaking – Ceremony Decor by Thrill Events

The Beginning.

The day started at 9am with a bridesmaid breakfast in The Red Sky Bar. The girls enjoyed champagne and square sausage (it IS Glasgow after all) with a view! Meanwhile, I flew up and down in the lifts gathering dresses for the detail shots. I may or may not, have got locked in the stairwell with the wedding dress, but it was worth it! Especially when I was allowed a ‘Fob of Power’ that let me access all the bridal party rooms and floors! Thankfully the rain held off so I could utilise the terrace for some ring and shoe shots with the Cran in the background.

The next few hours were spent documenting the bridal parties all getting ready. This, for me, included getting locked in the stairwell again (the Fob Of Power did NOT work in the stairwells!) thankfully there was always a bridesmaid at the end of the phone to help me!

I love telling a story of the day, it means the bride & groom, who spend most of the day in a blur, can look back and really ‘feel’ the day again!

Both Jenna & Jamie looked absolutely incredible, the first look with Jenna’s dad says it all!


The ceremony took place downstairs in a room beautifully decorated by Thrill Events and I’ve never witnessed a wedding so full of laughter and smiles! Jamie’s Aunt read the most amazing (and funny!) poem that had everyone is stitches, while the handfasting at the end really tied the wedding up beautifully (boom boom!)

The plan had been that after the ceremony I would sneak Jenna & Jamie and the bridal party off for an hour of photos that I had meticulously planned. Obviously with it being Glasgow, it immediately started raining (insert rolly eye emoji!)

So plan B was that everyone settled into the bar to be utterly bamboozled by the most incredible magician, Billy Reid until the rain passed!

Eventually the rain stopped, and we gathered up the troops and headed out! Thankfully, rain equals puddles which also equals reflections! There’s always a postive….including the courtesy bus giving the bridesmaids a lift!

I had so many different shots planned but due to time & weather only a couple came to fruition, but I was thrilled with those that we managed!


And then came the reception! Smiles, smiles, smiles, dancing, singing and more smiles!

This was such a beautiful weddings, especially after the last 18 months. The C word just wasn’t even on anyones minds, and rightfully so! The joy of a little bit of normaility was just so good to witness!

I wish Jenna & Jamie a lifetime of happiness, smiles & laughter – they’re off to a cracking start!

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, use the button below to get in touch!

Jack & Sarah’s Edinburgh Zoo Wedding

Jack and Sarah finally made it down the aisle after rescheduling due to the year that was 2021!

I arrived at Edinburgh Zoo at 7am ready to photograph the bridal party getting ready and all the little details that get lost in the excitement of the day. Walking past the sleeping lemurs in the dark to get to the house was quite something!

With 4 bridesmaids, 3 groomsmen, and 2 beautiful little flowergirls, I spent the first hour taking photos of the dresses hanging in the ceremony room and detail shots.

The next few hours were spent documenting the bridal parties all getting ready. Due to various circumstances, the groomsmen only started getting ready about 20 minutes before the ceremony, and the planned bridesmaid photos outside couldn’t take place! But that’s what happens at a wedding and you just have to go with the flow!

I love telling a story of the day, it means the bride & groom, who spend most of the day in a blur, can look back and really ‘feel’ the day again!

The ceremony took place in the most wonderful room that overlooked Edinburgh, with the most ornate details, and luckily enough it matched the bridal party dresses perfectly! It was a beautiful, relaxed service that was watched closely by Jack & Sarah’s 3 children and all their family & friends.

After the ceremony, I sneaked this lovely family of 5 off for some family & couple shots before we stomped up to the top of the zoo to see the giraffes, get some full family photos and also some bridal party shots.

If you’ve never been to Edinburgh, let me tell you, it’s quite a hike to get to the top! The giraffes didn’t quite play ball, but we found some great, quiet locations for bridal party shots, which is tricky in a busy zoo that’s open to the public!

This wedding was smiles & joy from the start to the finish. After some beautiful speeches and a delicious dinner, the very last treat was being able to go and see the penguins after the zoo had closed to the public. An incredible experience, and I’m thankful that the penguins were better behaved than the giraffes!

I wish Jack, Sarah and their 3 beautiful children the happiest life together as Man & Wife!

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, use the button below to get in touch!

What to wear for your Autumn Photo Shoot

Eeeeeek....what do I wear?!!

This will be running through all the ladies minds right now!

No offence gentlemen, but you’re just more laid back about these things than us women! (for the most part!)

There are 3 main things to consider when choosing what you and the family wear to one of my autumnal sessions:

1) Be comfortable and be yourself.
Don’t dress yourself in a style that’s not ‘you’ – you must feel beautiful!
If you’re a jeans & jumper type of gal, wear jeans and a jumper! Don’t squeeze yourself into a dress because you feel you should! You need to be comfortable and most importantly, you need to feel at your best!

If the kids are happy in jeans, let them wear jeans. If your daughter is crazy about skirts, don’t force her to wear something different because you’ll just end up with a grumpy child who will glare at my camera!! It’s really important that the kids feel happy too. If it makes your life easier & you want to remember their little foibles…let them wear that spiderman outfit (just make sure you match!!)

I have 3 daughters….I know how children are….make sure they feel awesome too. If that means using the old ‘I’m giving you choices but really I’m bending your mind to my way of thinking‘ trick, then go for it! Pick out 2 outfits that will work, and let them mix and match. As long as they’re reasonably coordinated, we’re good! Failing that…use bribery!

Bear in mind that it might be quite cold/drizzly, so your jacket and accessories are important too! Scarf’s work really well, especially knitted ones, and who doesn’t love a chunky knit hat!

2) Co-ordinate with the family.
Choose a colour palette, and stick with it!


These images will hopefully grace the walls of your home for years to come, so consider that when choosing what you wear. Choose a colour palette and stick to it. Maybe you all wear jeans/denims with a mix of creams and blues. Or have everyone wear a mustard coloured item.

Chunky kits and layers look amazing in the autumnal scenery! If you only have mis-matched coloured jackets, choose warm (coordinated!) clothing underneath that means you can ditch the jackets for 10 minutes.

The more coordinated you are, the more amazing your photos will look!

3) Don't clash with nature.
Be at one with it!
The backdrop is supremely autumnal, so be at one with the colours! Colour palettes of denim/creams/greys/oranges/mustards and plums look amazing! Choose a base colour (say demin and cream) and an ‘accent’ colour, maybe mustard like my little model below!

Their combination of layers, chunky knits, denim, & that little pop of colour, made for the most wall worthy photos! In fact…this very image graces the wall of this clients new kitchen, as a massive canvas!

What to avoid.
and what NOT to wear!
Avoid vivid ‘unnatural’ bright colours that will draw the eye to the colour, rather than the beautiful subjects.

Definitely avoid bright pinks as they will clash with Autumn itself. Dusky pinks would be better.

Try to stay away from bold, eye-catching patterns. Instead, keep it simple.

Please (pretty please!) avoid clothing with large lettering or logos, as again, these will just distract from the photo!

Finally, I know black is a very popular colour, but for the scenery in Autumn… it can be a little dull!

The most important thing is that you are comfortable and that you have fun! These sessions are quick & cheerful, but the results may well go on your walls, so thinking about what you’ll all wear is worth the effort!

I hope this has helped, if you have any questions or would like some advice, please just holler, I’m always happy to help!


A little inspiration for you!
Just call me Gok!


Dogography – why invest in photographing your dog?

Dogs are our best friends, our fur-children. They are our constant companions, protectors and cuddle cushions. Just like our children, they hold a special place in our hearts, and having solid reminders of their life, is as important as documenting our human children’s life’s.

As our pets get older, we become aware of their mortality, and realise that they won’t live forever  – that’s usually when owners want their beloved four legged friends captured.

Take AnnMarie & Henry, for example.

Henry had a condition that meant he struggled to walk when he got older, he eventually got his very own wheels! Henry was the most loved dog on this earth, and his owner was wise enough to invest in professional photos throughout his life. Thankfully as he got older, I was said photographer, and I just loved capturing the bond between woman & dog!

Henry (or Henners as we was affectionately known!) passed quite suddenly last year, a few short months after his last photo session. He may be gone, but AnnMarie’s walls and shelf’s contain constant, beautiful reminders of her boy!

Then there’s good old Robbie, Jennifer’s child-hood pup! She knew he was getting on in his life, and wanted to have natural, professional photographs of her boy that she could gaze at every day, keeping the memories alive.

You can read about Jennifer and Robbie’s Session in this blog post!

The bond between a dog and their human is so unique, that only they understand it.
Time moves fast, memories fade, but photographs don’t.
Honour your fur-children, and your relationship with them, by making sure they are forever captured in all their beautiful glory. Don’t wait until they’re in their later years, or you may forget what their youngest, and best years, were like!

A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

If you’d like to capture your fur-child in all its woofy glory, use the button below to get in touch!

Piya & Scott’s Glasgow Wedding

Piya contacted me through another client as she loved my work, and was looking for someone to photograph their wedding. ‘She loves my work?’…. I was already her BFF!  I initially explained that I wasn’t actually a Wedding Photographer, but when she said ‘we’re more than happy to be your guinea pigs’, I started to change my tune! It’s not often someone takes a chance on you on such a special day, and I was still revelling in the ‘I love your work’ part!

Piya explained that they had been married a year, but their ‘legal’ wedding took place in Hong Kong, and then another in Bangladesh! This was their ‘Scottish Celebration’ & there was absolutely no pressure, all she wanted was to get ‘just one shot of Scott & I that we love’. She then told me that they were having a Chinese Lion Dance….she had me at Chinese Lion Dance!!

With Piya’s brief being as it was, she hadn’t been fussed about the ‘Getting Ready’ shots….but at 10am that morning I texted her and said I was on my way to The Blytheswood Square Hotel in Glasgow to capture them getting ready – I needed to ‘get’ the whole day for her, and capture those little details that I love so much!

So, as I knocked on their hotel door that morning, Scott was chilling out on the bed doing some social media work, and Piya was dressed from the waist up! “Don’t mind me” I said as I barged into their serenity. What a joy that must have been for them!

Once the wonderfully relaxed Scott was eventually ready, and Piya had all their beautiful Indian Wedding outfit in place, she stopped dead & noticed her husband in his full Scottish Dress. ‘Oh wow, you look so handsome’ – my heart just about melted into a puddle at that point!

The Blythswood Hotel in Glasgow is stunning, so we simply had to take advantage of the location! Piya wanted some traditional Indian poses for her lovely mum, so I set about re-arranging the furniture in the lobby to suit the light! As you do.

This day was so chilled out it was almost horizontal! Piya drove herself and Scott to the venue in her full get up – how she managed to drive I don’t know – but I made sure to stay a wee bit behind on the drive, just incase!!

The beautiful House for an Art Lover in Bellahouston Park was the choice of venue, as Piya is a huge fan of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Her family had been told to get there on time (apparently Indians can be quite relaxed!) as Piya wanted photos with all the family variations – and they dutifully arrived on time! Her dad was so handsome in his Traditional Scottish Troos, while mum was wearing the Indian Sari, the contrast was a photographers dream!

Time for those shots of Piya and Scott! Now let me explain a few….Piya & Scott are apparently well known for their selfies, hence the all important photos of them taking selfies! They also got a little Bollywood on me at times, making for some very untraditional, but just so ‘them’ shots!

The Chinese Lion Dance did not disappoint! The joy that 10 minutes gave the guests, not just the children, was just so blooming lovely!

The ceremony, with traditional hand-tying, was so personal, performed by Piya’s ‘Womb Buddy’, Mish! They had readings from their best friends, and at the end, invited any of their to ‘have their’ say. It’s safe to say that this couple are so loved by their family and friends, and I can see why. The love they share is so beautiful. Two people who both grew up in Scotland, who maybe thought they’d never find ‘The One’ – found their soul mate on the other side of the world, in Hong Kong. Be still my beating heart!

I stayed for the first dance and then a few more…guttingly leaving just before the entire wedding party got on the dance floor for a Proclaimers song!!

It was an amazing day, and such a pleasure to be a part of their special day. And….we got way more than one shot they loved!

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, use the button below to get in touch!

The MacLeod Family

The lovely MacLeod Family consist of Jan & Norman, the heads of the clan, their children/children in law & 8 beautiful grand-children.

In their words “Jan and Norman are always trying to get some nice group shots of their grandkids and they often don’t achieve great results. The kids are either not in the same place, or not prepared to play ball.”

Sound familiar?!

Enter moi!

The week leading up to the shoot was glorious. ON the day…not so much! The rain was pounding the ground and getting 8 children corralled (and more importantly happy!) in Scottish rain was just not happening! The entire shoot ended up being indoors, but after some rearranging of furniture, bribing of children and some [JSP] charm….each child was photographed within an inch of their life, and I even got some grown ups!!

Jan & Norman’s home is so full of love, and so full of memories for both the children and grand-children, that I wanted to get some more natural, story-telling shots that the family can enjoy for years to come. All those little details that seem insignificant just now, become so important as time goes on, and a simple photograph can induce so many memories and feelings, that it becomes absolutely priceless.

Thank you for having me in your wonderful, warm & welcoming home!

If you’d like to capture your amazing family, use the button below to get in touch!

Robbie the Dog’s Pet Photoshoot

Man is a dogs best friend…or in this case, woman is!

Jennifer got Robbie when she was 10 years old. He’s been her constant companion & best furry friends for 11 years now. He’s getting on (not that you’d know it!) and Jennifer wanted to capture him professionally while he’s still spritely.

Yes, you can take photos on your phone, but dogs are not easy to capture, even when they’re standing still! Jennifer knew this, and wanted to have some beautiful images of her boy on the wall, that she could treasure forever.

I’m a dog person (I have a dog, Jasper!) and they all have the most amazing personalities. They’re also great fun to photograph, and they have THEE most beautiful, soulful eyes!

Jennifer, Robbie and I, took a walk down by the River Clyde, a walk Robbie has taken daily for years! We let Robbie play, we had him sit and pose, and we even had him in a Christmas jumper!

Jennifer was thrilled with the results, and I walked away knowing that dogography was something I really wanted to do more of!


If you’d like to capture your fur-child in all its woofy glory, use the button below to get in touch!

Jen Scott Photography

I am a wedding & family/child photographer based in Glasgow who works with lovely, laid-back people throughout Scotland and beyond, to capture the 'real' moments that make your life extraordinary. I'd love to hear from you!

07789 915107

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