The Meehan Family

These gorgeous wee dudes spent a fun filled bear-hunting, dinosaur-chasing 2 hours with me in Roukenglen park a couple of weeks ago!

When they’re this age, parents worry the kids won’t cooperate or will run wild. And they’re 100% right ? But that’s exactly what I expect! Under 3’s are the bosses of my shoots, I tell them this, and they tell me where to go (literally, not metaphorically!)

Thomas wanted to run away from a dinosaur, and so we did! And we happened upon the most beautiful little spot, where the tree became a horse and in those few seconds of cooperation, we made magic little memories happen ❤

Kathryn had this to say about their family photoshoot experience

“Jen was absolutely fantastic with them and followed their lead. They took to her immediately and the 3year old loved going out a bear hunt with her! “

Jen Scott Photography

I am a wedding & family/child photographer based in Glasgow who works with lovely, laid-back people throughout Scotland and beyond, to capture the 'real' moments that make your life extraordinary. I'd love to hear from you!

07789 915107

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