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The McLennan Family

The McLennan Family

Dad Andy, bought a gift voucher of a 2 hour photoshoot for his lovely wife Gillian for Christmas. It had been a while since they’d had family photos taken, so these were well overdue!

We headed out to their local park, with a rather hesitant little girl, and had an afternoon of fun looking for fairies, and playing Grannies Pants! By the end of the session, Little Miss I and I were firm friends!

Photoshoots with [JSP] are fun, natural and relaxed, and this family’s framed artwork will make them smile for years to come!

Bundl Branding Photography

Bundl Branding Photography

Bundl invited me into their offices to capture some team shots, headshots and general lifestyle shots of the team doing what they do.

Christmas Teeny Sessions 2018

Christmas Teeny Sessions 2018

After the huge success of 2017’s 1st ever Christmas Teeny Sessions, we did it again! These 15-minute sessions took place at the incredible Elfy Trees, this time in Santa’s ACTUAL Grotto!

23 wonderful families (many from last year!) showed up over 2 days and their children sat in Santa’s chair and what fun we had!!

The results made for some wonderful gifts for the family!

The Rettie Family

The Rettie Family

Lynsey wanted to giver her parents a unique gift for their Ruby Anniversary, so she organised a photoshoot for the whole family. Granny & Granda were visiting for Northern Ireland, so we got everyone together and headed to a special place that meant something to the family.

2 hours of fun in the woods, resulted in portraits of the kids, family shots, group shots and some good old messing about shots!


Cousins Shoot

I was called at the last minute to help out a family who needed a cousins photoshoot and fast! Heather wanted a nice photo of all 3 great grandchildren for her granny, who was turning 90.

Being very young, it’s always tricky to get all 3 doing what you need or taking their thumbs out their mouth and even looking in your direction – but I think this lifetsyle style of shoot forgives these things!

They are relaxed, the kids are happy because they’re in an environment they know, and most importantly, they are themselves!



It’s about 18 months after their baby is born, when parents know they need to capture the innocence & beauty that only a 1 year old posseses! Before they start talking back, having tantrums & running away!

Little Layla’s mum knew these days needed captured, and she knew the dress to do it in! We talked about wild flowers and how pretty she’d look, so I took them to my secret location near my home!

Mum thought I was mad (I’m quite sure!) but she trusted my vision and thankfully, she loves the photos. I think I made her cry. I love it when that happens!

Layla was amazing. So brave & fearless. A little heart melter!

Baby Jacob

Baby Jacob

Jacobs Uncle had gifted his sister with a photo session when her first baby, Jacob was born.

I travelled through to Stirling and spent several hours with this lovely family. Jacob took a while to settle, but once he did, we got some beautiful shots of him.

We also spent some time capturing them as a family. These days with newborns pass so quickly, it’s lovely to have such special memories of those first few weeks.

Baby Joseph & Family

Baby Joseph & Family

I have had the pleasure of capturing this lovely family a few times, and this time it was to celebrate the birth of their 5 child, Joseph.

I spent an hour with all the children, and then did some individual shots of baby Joseph, while Mum & Dad were sent downstars for some well earned rest and a cup of tea!

This family are just fabulous, the kids are amazing & I just so enjoy photographing them!

Rhonda & Bruce

Rhonda & Bruce

Rhonda’s daughter contacted me and bought a gift voucher for her mum, so that she could capture her lovely old boy Bruce before he went to Rainbow Bridge.

Bruce was getting old. Rhonda knew he didn’t have long left, and wanted lasting memories of her beloved boy.

We met in Bruce’s favourite park on a beautiful sunny day, and had a lovely adventure. Bruce passed away a few days later, breaking his mama’s heart, but she will always have these photos to remember him.

Frank & Family

Frank & Family

Amanda contacted me with a mission of capturing her amazing dad Frank with all his grandchildren. No mean feat when most of them are teens….but I needn’t have worried, they were amazing!

The most incredible man, his beautiful wife & the loveliest family you could hope to meet.

Jen Scott Photography

I am a wedding & family/child photographer based in Glasgow who works with lovely, laid-back people throughout Scotland and beyond, to capture the 'real' moments that make your life extraordinary. I'd love to hear from you!

07789 915107

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