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Zeus was the winner of my mini session competition in October 2017. And a worthy winner he was.

The most beautiful husky, and although a little keen to explore the park, he nailed every shot.

He brought his ‘sisters’ along, who also got in on the action, the more the merrier I say!

Autumn Mini Sessions 2017

Autumn Mini Sessions 2017

This was the second year that I did Autumn Mini Sessions, and they were a roaring success!

10 families, 30 minutes per session, over 2 days. Crazy!

These are just a few of my favourites from the sessions.

Of One Mind Maclaren Event

Of One Mind Maclaren Event

Of One Mind organise the most amazing networking events, that bring people together with the right people. Their events are always held in unusual locations, this one was no exception.

Hosted at the Maclaren Showroom in Glasgow, there were supercars, incredible businesses, champagne, entertainment, and lots of networking!

Byte Night Glasgow 2017

Byte Night Glasgow 2017

I was asked to photograph the Byte Night event in Glasgow in 2017, a charity event organised by Action for Children Scotland. Over 200 people had an amazing evening of entertainment, dug deep in their pockets, and then spent the night outside in the drizzle of an October night.

I captured it from the start, up until about 1am when they all started getting settled for the night. They raised over £100,000 for the charity!

The Kennedy Family

The Kennedy Family

Zoe wanted to capture her kids before they weren’t ‘children’ any more – she especially wanted to remember their smiles! Her wonderful children are 13 and 15, and although teens can be harder to crack, these two were an absolute delight to photograph. I think they might even have enjoyed it!

Zoe predominantly wanted black and white images for her home, but I provided colour for most of them as well…just to add to her decision making!

The MacLeod Family

The MacLeod Family

The MacLeod Family bought their parents the gift of memories, with one of my Black Friday Vouchers! I was thrilled to photograph 3 generations of the family one (rainy!) Saturday afternoon! Grandma & Papa have 4 children, who between them have 8 children, ranging from 1-16. Unfortunately most of the grown-ups didn’t want in on the action, but Grandma & Papa obliged! It was such a fun shoot, and even though the weather let us down, we got some great portraits, intermingled with some natural story-telling shots.

Noah’s 1st Holy Communion

Noah's 1st Holy Communion

Noah is the 3rd, and last Houston child, to celebrate his 1st Holy Communion. I have had the privilege of photographing all 3 of the children, and each one has been a joy. Strangely, each child proclaims to ‘hate having their photo taken’ – but the photos tell a different story! 😉 The sun shone all day and Noah did an amazing job, he even chose some poses himself!

MacLeod Family

MacLeod Family

This family had the same problem as lots of us. Loads of grandchildren, and unable to get them all looking good in one photo! They also wanted to capture some lifestyle shots of the kids at gran & grandpas, somewhere that holds lots of happy memories for everyone.

I have known this family for years, so was delighted (and a little nervous!) to attempt the feat of getting all the cousins in one shot! This day it rained ALL day! There was beautiful weather leading up to the shoot, so although it was disappointing not to get outside, we got everything we needed inside.

The McKever Family

The McKever Family

This lovely family wanted a ‘winterberry’ shoot at their home in Glasgow. We didn’t get an frosty day, but we did get some lovely sunshine to make up for it! These photos will displayed as wall art on the families large conservatory wall, a lovely addition to studio shots taken years ago. It’s not every day you get to photograph a house with a Harley in the Kitchen!

Robbie & Jennifer

Robbie & Jennifer

Jennifer contacted me to capture her family dog, Robbie, in all his spritely 12 year old glory! She knows he’s not getting any younger, and was determined to have some fabulous artwork as a constant reminder of her furry friend. Of course, we had to have Jennifer in there too, it’s so important to capture such beautiful connections.

Jen Scott Photography

I am a wedding & family/child photographer based in Glasgow who works with lovely, laid-back people throughout Scotland and beyond, to capture the 'real' moments that make your life extraordinary. I'd love to hear from you!

07789 915107

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